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Tutorial: Residence
Part 1:  How to create a residence:
So you want to protect your house? Here is a step by step guide.
STEP 1: Craft or get a WOODEN AXE.
STEP 2: Select with your WOODEN AXE in your hand the corner of the building you want to protect. (Doesn’t matter which one you take) NOTE!!! It must be done with left clicking.
STEP 3: After you selected your first corner you must walk to the opposite corner. Then right clicking it will make the selected area. (I mean if you selected the lower left corner in front, you must walk to upper right corner in the back)
STEP 4: If you have done it right you have 2 messages in your chat primary selection point (coordinates) and secondary selection point: (coordinates).
If you have this in your chat then you do this in your chat: /res create [residence name].
NOTE!!!! You must have some money.
PART 2: Extra commands and Secondary resident in your housing:
/res set waterflow true/false (true lets water flow)
/res set monsters true/false (lets monsters spawn)
/res set creeper true/false (if a creeper sneaks in it doesnt explode)
/res set pvp true/false (true sets pvp on false sets pvp of NOTE!! wolves can't attack if pvp is false)

/res set healing true/false (true lets players heal in residence without food)
/res set lavaflow true/false (true lets lava flow)
/res set piston true/false (true allows pistons)

NB: If you want someone to live with you, then you can set some commands what he can do. You do all of these commands. (NOTE! This only counts if you stand inside your residence.)
/res pset [playername] build true (lets the player build inside your residence)
/res pset [playername] use true (lets the other player uses doors levers crafting tables etc.)
/res pset [playername] destroy true (lets the other player destroy blocks)
/res pset [playername] container true (lets him use containers like chests and furnaces)
/res pset ddvniek morpheus build true
/res pset ddvniek morpheus use true
PART 3: the use of the market:
You can sell your house on the market for a price. It’s like selling your house without involving you.
To sell a house you do: /res market sell [residencename] [amount of money you ask for it]
To buy a house you do: /res market buy [residencename]
To view what’s for sale you do: /res market list
To stop selling a residence you do: /res market unsell [residence]
To view info on a residence for sale you do: /res market info [residence]
To rent a market you do: /res market rentable [residence] [cost] [days]
To remove a residence from rent or rentable status you do: /res market release [residence]

Tutorial by: ddvniek

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